10 ways to add more variety to your morning routine. It’s easy to lose a sense of joy and excitement when life gets repetitive. As much as I love routines, I know I need to switch things up to prevent boredom and lack of motivation. After all, variety in life is important for avoiding a burnout. In this post, I’m sharing 10 tips to help you get out of a funk and add variety to your routine. Keep reading if you’re looking to switch things up! How To Add Variety To Your Routine Sometimes you have to accept that life is moving more slowly than anticipated, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add some variety at the same time. Life is about tiny little daily joys. Whenever life starts to feel a little stale or boring, here are some tips to help switch things up: 1. Create something without an agenda Do something for the sake of fun and creativity, rather than for the sake of productivity e.g. paint, knit, doodle, start a bullet journal. 2. Create something WITH an agenda...