
Showing posts from April, 2021


 10 ways to add more variety to your morning routine. It’s easy to lose a sense of joy and excitement when life gets repetitive. As much as I love routines, I know I need to switch things up to prevent boredom and lack of motivation. After all, variety in life is important for  avoiding a burnout. In this post, I’m sharing 10 tips to help you get out of a funk and add variety to your routine. Keep reading if you’re looking to switch things up! How To Add Variety To Your Routine Sometimes you have to accept that life is moving more slowly than anticipated, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add some variety at the same time. Life is about tiny little daily joys. Whenever life starts to feel a little stale or boring, here are some tips to help switch things up: 1. Create something without an agenda  Do something for the sake of fun and creativity, rather than for the sake of productivity e.g. paint, knit, doodle, start a bullet journal.  2. Create something WITH an agenda...

Moving on to positive thoughts

Moving on to positive thoughts  Cognitive behavioural therapy known as CBT techniques- identifying, replacing negative thoughts- have been found to be very effective in helping people to think more positively. Acceptance and commitment recognises that when you accept and let go of the negative, unhelpful thoughts, you will let go of the emotions and allow the rational, logical part of your mind start working. - To start thinking more helpful positive thoughts regularly. Instead of getting caught up with your thoughts and struggle with them, just notice them and let them go. Imagine you’re a sheriff in an old western town. You notice an outlaw strolling the street. You don’t challenge him, you simply acknowledge the outlaw and calmly and firmly encourage him to keep walking, right on out of town. You can do the same with negative thoughts those unhelpful thoughts, you simply acknowledge and release them. Instead of challenging the negative thoughts. If they came back you look at the...

What to do when feeling unmotivated

What to do when feeling unmotivated Let yourself go through the feeling of being negative for a short time but use CBT cognitive behavioural therapy and then go slowly into being productive by using habits stacking to be motivated to do anything. Don’t be hard on yourself this is common to experience. Often I have these crap days and need to find motivation. Check out my video on the subject. I use an app to help me get motivated when I’m struggling. The app I use currently- google tasks what do you use to help your productivity? I been reading  Atomic Habits by James Clear We all go through a phase of being unmotivated to do the things we set out to do. Tick them off and celebrate that you done it. That means reward yourself. Of course depression doesn’t help as I can speak from experience. One of the simplest ways I’ve learned how to deal with procrastination is to consider how my choices today will affect my future self. In this process be kind to yourself it is too easy to bea...