
Showing posts with the label self esteem

Not feeling good enough?

  NOT FEELING GOOD ENOUGH? BREAK THROUGH NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Posted by: Lori from Lifesuccessnz  Many people struggle with  feelings that they are  not good enough . Our high-powered culture is competitive and encourages us to look outside ourselves for our   self-worth . Magazines show us the ideal body ,  movies show us unrealistic love stories  and  television shows us all of the things we could own, if only we had more money. On top of that, many of us carry trauma and  internalized beliefs  that create fears we may not even be aware of in today’s society.   It’s no wonder so many of us find ourselves asking, “ Why am I not good enough ?” at some point in our lives. But studies have found that basing our self-esteem on external sources, like appearance, academics or the opinions of others,   can cause anxiety  and even lead to more alcohol use. Mental health is also a problem in New Zealand.  To truly achieve the life you deserve, you have to examine  what dri

Self-esteem and appearance

Once upon a time, I was a thin young woman who had a lot going for her until one day she came across a negative situation that destroyed her mental state. A man took photos of me when it did not consent, I had no idea had to find out the hard way. However, I rose above it through life coaching. Over the years I had this silly belief that had to be like so call model even though I did some when I was young, but I never really had an eating disorder which was good but some women do. I rarely in 20's felt comfortable in my own body, despite that I was only size 14-12 NZ size. When we're unhappy with our bodies and the way we look, we're less likely to go out and enjoy our lives. We can become obsessive about how we look and endlessly beating ourselves up for eating some foods like junk fried stuff, which only adds another level of pressure and anxiety to our lives. When we become obsessive about how we look may possibly be a symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) which is

Finding safety and security within

Finding safety and security  Right now you possibly struggling to get through whatever it is you faced, I know what that feels like. I went through a lot of hard times from a tragic loss to broken relationships it never comes easy in life it's like a huge wave you have to ride until it passes. I can tell you right now that you will get passed it by believing in yourself more, even when others think differently about you. My own siblings see that I'm the problem when it is themselves with issues I go through times of pure frustration and struggle with it that's when I need spiritual path to help me get through it knowing a spiritual universe loves me unconditionally even when people don't love me at all in this world. Having faith in something gives us hope. When we struggle with safety and security within us this is when we need to remember the universe has our backs, god, is with us in this universe we are not alone, why do I say that? Because I have experienced more t

Self worth - Gaining self esteem

Self worth Gaining self esteem Self worth Having self worth is important for our inner self within which means we need to make an effort to do it. To feel good about who we are is a must! Why I say this is because a lot of most New Zealanders or other countries struggle to find self worth on a daily basis. If you don't have self worth then most likely to be at risk of depression and suicidal thoughts, when you think negative about yourself you are creating negative experiences. To change how we see ourselves is to make the effort to learn how to be more positive on daily basis if someone is negative towards you the best thing is to ignore them move on go calm yourself down breathe meditate. As I was say in module 1 of my downloadable modules about compassion is helpful for this situation we all face no one is perfect. Be true to who you are don’t be someone you are not, false image will not  attract positive people into your life.  Let’s explore how we can find