Feeling tired or burned out?
Feeling tired from work is common and can be caused by many different factors. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce fatigue and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Work can wear you out, whether your job requires physical labor or not. There’s more than one way to feel tired, and the daily demands of your job can leave you physically and emotionally weary , even if you spend your days behind a desk. Other stressors — such as relationship issues, financial worries, or health concerns — can intensify the strain. And then there’s COVID-19 which is still around. If you’re still going in to work, you might find that you feel extra-exhausted from the added stress of worrying about potential exposure to the new coronavirus on the job. You definitely not alone many people in New Zealand are facing Covid. If you now work from home , you might feel slightly safer — at the cost of greater pressure to blur t...