Become an overcomer - Goals

Become an overcomer We all face a lot in life and overcome it. When we are faced with challenges and goals we must find a way through them to overcome them. This journey is a personal growth process So here’s the plan! 1. FULFILL YOUR ESSENTIAL NEEDS What does it mean to find fulfillment ? It all goes back to our Six Human Needs : certainty, significance, variety, love/connection, growth and contribution. These are the deepest needs of all humans, and they drive everything we do. When these basic needs aren’t fulfilled, we get stuck in harmful cycles. For example Unhealthy relationships. Destructive habits and addictions of some kind. Unfulfilling careers that don’t do anything for us. 2. OVERCOME YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS that hold you back Now that you’ve fulfilled your essential needs, you can focus on your limiting beliefs . These are the stories you tell yourself about the way you are an...