Getting enough sleep
To be at better service for others that is when we need enough sleep, so how do we do that? Research shows us that sleep prevents health problems for example for some suffer seziures because of epilepsy and that is what I experienced more than once. Arianna Huffington talks about the connection between sleep and success in her TED Ta lk: Ted talk sleep and success Watch my video 👇 Sleep is a spiritual practice From a spiritual perspective, lack of sleep is a big way we block our power, creativity and intuition. Sleep is the time when the body has a chance to repair for me it repairs my brain to prevent seziures. When your body can’t repair itself, you not only feel ill, but you also feel blocked of positive energy. Your energy field is weakened, which diminishes your power presence. Our body is just an energetic vibration. And if our body is literally functioning at a low capacity because we haven’t gotten enough rest, however I take naps when i can but...