Getting enough sleep
To be at better service for others that is when we need enough sleep, so how do we do that?
Research shows us that sleep prevents health problems for example for some suffer seziures because of epilepsy and that is what I experienced more than once. Arianna Huffington talks about the connection between sleep and success in her TED Talk:
Ted talk sleep and success
Research shows us that sleep prevents health problems for example for some suffer seziures because of epilepsy and that is what I experienced more than once. Arianna Huffington talks about the connection between sleep and success in her TED Talk:
Ted talk sleep and success
Watch my video 👇
Sleep is a spiritual practice
From a spiritual perspective, lack of sleep is a big way we block our power, creativity and intuition. Sleep is the time when the body has a chance to repair for me it repairs my brain to prevent seziures. When your body can’t repair itself, you not only feel ill, but you also feel blocked of positive energy. Your energy field is weakened, which diminishes your power presence.
Our body is just an energetic vibration. And if our body is literally functioning at a low capacity because we haven’t gotten enough rest, however I take naps when i can but it doesn't replace the deal of sleep but we will have a hard time calling in what we desire and being of high service if we don't get sleep.
When we’re energized, we’re more inspired. We’re happier. New ideas come forward. And, most importantly, we’re more productive. We become a much better vessel for working with the energetic flow around us when we are well-rested.
Sleep is essential to attracting what you want, tapping into intuitive guidance and living in alignment!
Taking magnesium and 5HTP and magnesium helps tell the brain is sleep time and stay asleep for longer.
My Favorite Spiritual Tools For Better Sleep And Recharging During The Day
1. Kundalini breathing technique and mantra exercise
Restorative rest begins with how we fall asleep. I’m a big fan of Gabrielle Bernstein.
I often I’ve struggled to fall asleep. I believe that the way to get a restful night is to fall asleep properly.
Here are two easy practices from Gabrielle Bernstein book Miracles Now that will help you get better sleep.
If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night, use this Kundalini breathing technique to drift off faster and sleep better.
Step 1: Sit up straight in your bed.
Step 2: Breathe in using a U breath: Pucker your mouth as if you were holding a quarter between your lips. Breathe in through your mouth.
Step 3: Exhale through your nose.
Continue this cycle of breath for one minute. Breathe in a U breath through your mouth and exhale through your nose. You will quickly feel rested.
Here’s another awesome Kundalini tool for falling asleep fast. Once you’re lying on your back in bed, keep your heels on the bed as you breathe deep, long breaths through your nose.
On the inhale, stretch your toes toward your head while you chant in your mind, Sat. On the exhale, point your toes and mentally chant, Nam. Continue this practice for three minutes.
I hope this helps you to sleep better. Blessings from Lori at Lifesucessnz xx
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