Managing fear and anxiety in an uncertain world around us
Humans are creatures of habits. We like predictability and routine, so our everyday lives follow a familiar pattern: we go to work, we go to the gym, watch our favorite TV shows, and we go to bed. On the weekend we may play or watch sports, do a DIY, catch up with friends, etc. We crave this routine as an antidote to uncertainty, and to increase predictability. We have a deep need to know what is to happen next, sadly most of us can feel more anxious and disoriented. This uncertainty exists in many forms in our lives outside the challenges of covid-19. Take a moment to reflect and consider whether you or a family member have experienced any of the following when trying to deal with the uncertainty of modern times. Stress or overwhelmed Fear, worry, and anxiety Low mood, feeling sad, or lack of interest in usually enjoyed activities. physical problems, like high heart rate, low energy, and other uncomfortable sensations. Decreased sexual desires Anger, frustration...