Not feeling good enough?
NOT FEELING GOOD ENOUGH? BREAK THROUGH NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Posted by: Lori from Lifesuccessnz Many people struggle with feelings that they are not good enough . Our high-powered culture is competitive and encourages us to look outside ourselves for our self-worth . Magazines show us the ideal body , movies show us unrealistic love stories and television shows us all of the things we could own, if only we had more money. On top of that, many of us carry trauma and internalized beliefs that create fears we may not even be aware of in today’s society. It’s no wonder so many of us find ourselves asking, “ Why am I not good enough ?” at some point in our lives. But studies have found that basing our self-esteem on external sources, like appearance, academics or the opinions of others, can cause anxiety and even lead to more alcohol use. Mental health is also a problem in New Zealand. ...