Understanding the power of thinking
Understanding the power of positive & negative thoughts Positive thinking can be understood in terms of explanatory style is how you explain situations and events; how you interpret them makes sense and meaning of how and why things do and don’t happen. When you interpret an event, a situation or circumstances in a positive way, you take a favourable view of past, present or future events, situations and circumstances. You’re likely to look for the best in other people, and view yourself and your abilities in a positive way. But if things do go wrong when there are problems you don’t dwell on them. I know it’s hard when you suffer from anxiety disorder but there is a way to overcome it. Instead you look for the positive solutions and you look for silver lining you recognise that often, challenges and difficulties have a positive aspect to them. For example I faced many things in my life if I can do it so can you. The practice What you think and say to yoursel...