
Showing posts from July, 2024

Personal growth goals

  POWER THROUGH PERSONAL GROWTH GOALS HOW TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL GROWTH PLAN THAT WORKS Posted by:   Lori from Lifesuccessnz  Personal growth is one of our  deepest human needs .  When we don’t commit to a  personal growth plan , we stay  stagnant or become trapped by our  limiting beliefs.  However, we can’t just say we want to grow and leave it at that. We need to set clear goals so that we can create an effective  personal growth plan   – and then act on it. Create a  personal growth plan   that consists of actionable items. Then  put in the work to tackle any obstacle in the way of your goals . With hard work and dedication, you will  become  the best version of you possible . WHAT IS A  PERSONAL GROWTH PLAN ? Your personal growth and development plan is a completely customized  blueprint for your life . It starts with  your purpose : What will bring you the most happiness in life? From there , work backward. Determine  the habits you need to develop, the skills and knowledge you mu

Who believes in you?

 Who believes in you? Surrounding yourself with people who believe in you is a smart move but can be a challenge. It can be a parent, teacher, a coach, a friend, who believes in you. I spend a lot of time mentoring people, helping them get them where they want to be in life. You need people who understand your possibilities.  We all have beliefs about ourselves that can either be true or false. I believe you get what you focus on. This is called manifesting. What you say and How you say it matters. This is called cognitive behavioural therapy which means speaking positive and behaviour is positive.  Self belief is important but it must be positive not negative beliefs. You got to remember negative beliefs will destroy you. So, get positive mindset going!  Most common negative beliefs are  I’m not good enough  I don’t look pretty enough  I don’t deserve anything  I’m not clever  I’m not creative  I’m not good with money  These thoughts are not good what so ever so we need to change it w

Finding your passions

  Music lifestyle before I became a life coach