
Showing posts from September, 2024

Overcoming fear of being hurt and failures

 We all go through these fears of being hurt that is where triggers of trauma come up and think we are failures because we can’t seem to get over it. But, let me tell you that we are not failures at all. It just takes time to learn and grow from these experiences to become a better person. Why? Because it is a process of overcoming these feelings of fear. We can overcome it if we choose to.  Check out the video below 👇  You can download this free from therapist aid website to help you face your fears with courage but make sure you have support during this process. Remember you are not perfect by any means but we are all here to learn and grow to be a better person. I hope this helps you to understand yourself and grow from these fears and failures we face. No matter what failures make us grow to be a better version of ourselves. Embrace failures as a lesson. Remind yourself that you are still learning and growing.  I h

My story - updated

My story In my my childhood I was bullied and struggled a lot with the tragic loss of a sibling. I never expected this tragic loss to happen at such a young age,  I was 9 years old when my brother committed suicide  it left me broken.  I held on to this pain of loss for so long, I guess that is how Chill in my vein came to life. it was hard for me as that child who never got help like they do now. I was angry and took anger out on my family at the age of 16 & felt I was lied to until I demanded the truth about his death. Up to this day I felt I can accept his passing. Of course I struggled with serious mental health issues  back then and mental health services drug me up. Mental health team in NZ have a bad reputation anyways. Sadly I was sexually assaulted by a man who worked in mental health. I was under so much emotions, I went through mental health which did nothing to change how I felt about my lose.  I continued to find my way through teenage life, even though I was bu

Overcoming Depression: My story

Overcoming Depression My story  I suffered from depression for many years and it no joke either,  depression is a serious health issue we all face.  Both of my brother’s committed suicide because they didn’t know a way through it. They were unhappy with their lives.  But there is no excuse for committing suicide you end up hurting more people than you think. I remember my brother leaving a note when he  shot himself in the head with a gun and it was tragic. People still ask  me how did I hold up like I do now? Simple! You just face it with courage. I saw the light of the universe there is a way to happiness and peace,  each experience teaches us something important so we can grow from it.  In my case my brother’s deaths showed me that I can be a better person be strong for myself within loving my inner child daily. You too can love yourself if you let yourself do that,  you are apart of this universe God has something planned for us all. I was reading self help books like G


10+ MORNING RITUALS THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Posted by:  Lori from Lifesuccessnz  Morning rituals are so important in order to feel good about yourself and your day will run more smoothly if we took the time to do our rituals. How I start my day is by doing yoga, meditation and read a self-help book, watch ted talk videos on youtube. But there are more than one way to do it, as each day is different. Gala Darling talks about it in her blog a lot and I totally can agree with her on it because I noticed the difference in my day, when I do morning rituals play some funky music get in the feel-good zone.  When we are in the feel-good zone state we are able to handle whatever life throws at us because we have had the time to do the morning rituals to help us overcome negativity. How do you start your day?  How important is a  morning ritual ?  It can be hard to  face the start of what may be a stressful day  – but  an uplifting and positive  incantation  can be enough to completely   alter

Fear of death

My brother  A lot of us humans are afraid of death, which is common. We need to find a way to think differently about it, so how do we do that? Well..... By changing how you think it is as simple as that my friend. I've had tragic loss of a loved one not once but twice in my life and that can be hard to deal with. At a young age  I faced my brother’s death and in my 20’s I had to face after my dad had a stroke and that was hard. I managed to change how I see and believe. My belief  has to be in a positive place as much as I can as well as being open minded. But, it took a lot for me to understand why I was afraid of death as I was anxious about being suicidal myself so i took the step to make a change. So here is the tools. What got me thinking was why am I so afraid of death? This why journaling helps. When I know God would have my back even if I did die? I would go to heaven with Jesus, that's my faith in the spiritual world, everyone belief is different so I ask you to be op

Ways to help yourself after trauma

Trauma   After a trauma, it’s normal to experience flashbacks, anxiety, and other uncomfortable symptoms.   Grounding techniques   help control these symptoms by turning attention away from thoughts, memories, or worries, and refocusing on the present moment. In this article, you will learn four powerful grounding techniques for managing the symptoms of trauma. For a printable or audio version of grounding techniques, see the following resources: Trauma is complicated. It can be obvious, with a clear cause, and symptoms that seem to make sense. Or, trauma can be buried beneath depression, anxiety, and anger, without any recognizable origin. The causal event may have occurred a week ago, or half a century in the past. To help survivors of trauma make sense of what they're experiencing, psychoeducation is a natural place to begin. Psychoeducation can help by normalizing the experience of trauma, and by giving a name

Fulfilling life and happiness

  Finding happiness and fulfilment  You can’t always control the circumstances of your life, but you  can  choose to have an extraordinary life. There’s no shortage of advice on happiness and how to live a fulfilling life. You either focus on achieving  external  goals – like more money, vibrant health, and better relationships – or you focus on the  internal  goals like peace of mind, gratitude, and mindfulness, accepting whatever life throws your way. Gratitude is known to bring happiness to us.  How does gratitude work? Well it help us to find happiness in the small things in life.  The truth is that  both  are important because  everything you achieved in your external world becomes internal.  It started as a thought. A feeling. An action you took that helped shape the life you live today. This is why we use cognitive behavioural therapy.  The two master skills for an extraordinary life If you want an  extraordinary life  on your own terms, it starts with mastering the two skills