
Mental health Resilience

  Resilience  is something that most people need to make it through the rougher times of life. Everyone will experience difficulties in life, and some people will even experience  traumatic  events that create an upheaval in their lives. Resilience is the process by which people adapt to changes or crisis, like death, tragedy, the loss of a job, or financial problems. I faced a lot in my life and my stepdad went through cancer that nearly killed him because of Wellington Hospital failed to do their job properly. Resilience is not  a  character trait  - it can be learned by anyone, but learning it does require time and effort. Several factors involved in resilience include having a loving support system, the ability to make plans and follow through with them, communication and problem-solving skills, having a positive view of yourself and your abilities, and the capability to manage your feelings and impulses. Building resilience is a different process ...

How to overcome fear of change

  Let’s talk about the fear of change. The kind that grips you tight when you know something new is on the horizon. This “something” could even be a good thing. Really good, even. But nonetheless, that familiar sense of anxiety takes over. You don’t want your life to change.   I know change is hard, even when good things are happening. Saying goodbye to certain phases of your life can feel like tiny heartbreaks, little endings you have to quickly mourn.  Many of us, including myself, are not even fully aware of just how traumatic change can be when it’s happening. It takes a toll, whether we are consciously aware of it or not.  This is a very small example, but a good one. I’ve been on plenty of planes in my life. I’ve traveled. And yet, every single time I get in the air and go somewhere new— no matter how calm and at peace I may be— I will always feel a little off for the next few hours after I arrive somewhere new. Change, even when it feels easy, has an effect on...

Help children’s behaviour

Consequences of bad behaviour  Consequences are the things that happen because of our actions and decisions. They’re a part of everyday life for everyone. Consequences can influence behaviour. Some consequences can make behaviour more likely in the future. These consequences include  positive attention ,  praise, encouragement and rewards , and other things your child likes. Other consequences make behaviour less likely in the future. These consequences are things your child doesn’t like. They might include the consequences you give your child for challenging behaviour, like quiet time, time-out or loss of privilege. Plenty of positive consequences for positive behaviour might mean fewer consequences for challenging behaviour. What to consider if you use consequences as a behaviour strategy Consequences work best when you have a  close and loving relationship with your child . That’s because your child will do best when they feel supported, encouraged and safe. It’s ...

How to move on from setbacks

  How to move on from setbacks Bounce back better with these 5 science-backed strategies None of us sail through life without some drama. Sure, it can feel like some people experience more hardship than others but think about the people you know. Really know. Chances are, most of them struggle with something. The best we can do is work on how we respond to challenges. These science-backed strategies are a good place to start. 1. Acceptance This doesn't mean you agree with the situation, but you can acknowledge it as your current reality. This helps you to stop dwelling on what could have been and start moving towards what can be. 2. Let go of the past Holding onto disappointment and tragedy for example suicidal death of a loved one. It only keeps you stuck. One technique you might like to try is writing down negative thoughts in a journal. Sometimes seeing it on paper or a journal can help you examine it more objectively. - this is used in life coaching known as cognitive behaviour...

Overcoming anxiety & depression resilience

Overcoming  Resilience is the psychological quality that allows some people to be knocked down by the adversities of life and come back at least as strong as before. Rather than letting difficulties,  traumatic  events, or failure overcome them and drain their resolve, highly resilient people find a way to change course, emotionally heal, and continue moving toward their  goals . Now my story is, “I’m getting better every day.”  Resilience isn’t about pushing past our feelings or ignoring them. In order to be truly resilient, we must be able to feel our feelings.  is a safe way to honor your feelings, move through them and feel more balanced. I recommend meditating at least once every day. A consistent, committed practice cleans up your energy and helps you to be more resilient.   The resilience tree 6 Signs of Resilience in Life Reframing   Looking at a problem or situation from a different, more helpful perspective can help the individual c...