Overcoming Depression with actions

Over coming depression with positive actions 

Depression can range from mild to servere and involves the theme of suicide. I’ve experienced a loss myself. Two tragic loses of my brothers suicides. 

Self devaluation frequently follows a loss for example when my ex left the relationship used me I no longer felt valued as a woman should feel.

When people are depressed they usually withdraw from activities and into themselves. However, the negative content of a depressed person's thinking has called the congitive triad of depression you have negative view of the world and towards yourself for example "everything is against me" 'i'll never get over depression'. 

Accompany of loss of pleasure, interest, libido, appetite, over eating, poor motivation, poor sleep pattern, suicidal thoughts. I have identified these with

1. Self blame

2. Self pity - feeling sorry for yourself

3. Other pity - feeling sorry for others

Some events like the death of a loved one that justify being depressed, in these circumstances ones thinking is not distorted. Having a lost loved person can be a trick to the mind, I been there. And predicting future only causes anxiety for us and looking back on our past will only make you depressed having wish factor. Sadness is normal emotion we feel created by our perception that describes a negative event involves loss in undistorted way. 

Depression is an illness that results from thoughts that are distorted in some way. Once you have accepted the loss you become more able to move on with life. Depression is tackled by developing a daily activity schedule to keep you busy and action forces you to interrupt your negative depression induced thinking. Small activities can improve your mood about depression. Motivation comes from action once force yourself into doing something then the motivation comes to sustain the action. Exercise helps your mood and energy levels it been proven enough. Acting against your depressive thoughts will help you overcome depression. I know from my own experience with this, that's why I studied fitness personal training until the company went belly up. After doing fitness training I decided to become a life coach with my certification. Never give up on improving your mental health only you know the answer and that's all you need to do with how you think and respond to those negative thoughts. 

Sending my love to you. 

Lori from lifesucessnz xx

Life coach

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