How to move on from setbacks


How to move on from setbacks

Bounce back better with these 5 science-backed strategies

None of us sail through life without some drama. Sure, it can feel like some people experience more hardship than others but think about the people you know. Really know. Chances are, most of them struggle with something.

The best we can do is work on how we respond to challenges. These science-backed strategies are a good place to start.

1. Acceptance

This doesn't mean you agree with the situation, but you can acknowledge it as your current reality. This helps you to stop dwelling on what could have been and start moving towards what can be.

2. Let go of the past

Holding onto disappointment and tragedy for example suicidal death of a loved one. It only keeps you stuck. One technique you might like to try is writing down negative thoughts in a journal.

Sometimes seeing it on paper or a journal can help you examine it more objectively. - this is used in life coaching known as cognitive behavioural therapy. Therapy helps you to let go of your past.

3. Pause and reflect

What lessons can you learn? Could you have acted differently? Reflection is not about self-blame but about understanding and growth. This is why journaling helps this situation. However, having a life coach helps too! If you need a coach I’m here to help.

4. Go back to basics

When recovering from a setback, simplify. Focus on practices that have worked in the past – exercise, meditation, therapy, we know deep down what we need, so get quiet and listen to that. Sometimes meditation quiet time helps.

5. Focus on today

Concentrate on what you can control right now and allow yourself time to heal and regroup. Set small, achievable goals to build momentum, whether that’s completing a task, practicing self-care or simply taking a moment to breathe.

Setbacks are an inevitable part of life, but they don’t define us—our responses do. By embracing these strategies, you can turn challenges into opportunities for growth, resilience, and a stronger, more focused you. Remember, every small step forward counts.



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