Conquering fear
Conquering fears Podcast I have faced my fears after a traumatic experience of facing a man who was breaching court order against him and harassing me. I felt more freedom now because I faced my fears. I know you can too! If you have fears then you do need to conquer them, now is the time to do it. You will thank yourself for facing the experience. Ask yourself what you want to confront and conquer? How are you going to face it? We all face these experiences in life that are unpleasant or too ugly. I was proud of myself for facing my past and conquer my present situation with courage, not many people have faced their painful past. Just remember that every negative experience helps us grow as a person no matter how painful it was I faced it with courage in the court room plus got justice for the abuse and harassment. No person should be abused online no excuse for the behaviour at all! As I cried with anxiety I confronted the fear and told the court how much emotional damage...