
PEACE IS MY PATH. JULY 2017 | PODCAST - Gabrielle BERNSTEIN Miracle membership 

I can relate to it because i struggle with epilepsy and I can easily say negative things about my condition and forget cbt cognitive behavioral therapy. I know peace is my path to releasing my fear I have about my anxiety and epilepsy. 
We are not perfect so why are we so fussy about our situation in life? When our brain is on overdrive when can behave in a negative way like anxiety attack or a seziure which i live with daily but it has improved by changing my daily lifestyle. The more I am positive the more likely i can cope with my condition or my anxiety I deal with on a regular bases. Journal is helpful tool a good app called moodflow helps me to monitor my mood and find ways to handle it. I do MEDIATION daily and BELIEVE in course in miracles a god that supports us, I read a book called A return to love by mairianne Williamson reflection on the principles of A course in miracles. I feel more peace when I am in alignment with the UNIVERSE. I find Dear Universe book by Sarah Prout helpful when I am feeling the negative energy. 
I find the book helpful and feel a release of my energy shift.
 You can buy it on google play store or Amazon.

Lori from Lifesuccessnz xx 


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