Staying motivated

Staying motivated is not easy but there is a way to get motivated and make sure your energy around you is cleansed and it will help you feel less heavy. I like to use plao Santo stick to cleanse myself and my home or office space. I myself can get unmotivated, of course winter is the unpleasant time of the year for it.
 I guess the covid-19 situation has made our motivation a lot harder to do. Watch a video from a ted talk very interesting. 
Here I share another video on finding motivation trust me I know from my own experience. 
Honestly it is hard if you make it difficult for your journey, even I have my days and no one really likes rainy days So I do my best regardless even if I wear comfortable clothing, so be it! 
However you do it make sure it motivates you. This is why listening to motivational speeches on YouTube are helpful to be inspired even if you watched a video of your favourite YouTuber. Below are motivational speeches to get you up and going! There are plenty of these videos on YouTube pick one that speaks to you and motivated! 

I know it’s hard to be motivated but there is a way just got to find what works.
Hope this serves you a purpose my friend.

Lori from Lifesuccessnz xx


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