Real self care

Real self care

Calm nature

What is it? It's not about all the fantasy of aromatherapy etc it's about your physical and mental wellbeing that needs care everyday. I learned from when I struggled with mental health for 20 odd years of my life and here I am as a life coach to teach you these tools. From eating healthy diet to exercising, meditation and sleep. All that is good tools that helps stress and anxiety. This is where CBT cognitive behavioural therapy is used to help us overcome many things. Writing in a journal with a cup of tea or coffee (whatever works for you) and use the concept from negative to positive mindset. The more we understand it the likely we can shift the negative mindset about a lot of things. This is why NZ has been given free CBT tools to help them overcome a lot for example anxiety and depression that overwhelms you. Using these tools in self help can help us more than we think. I've used many of these tools in my life. Self compassion and self kindness can have a big impact on your everyday routines including gratitude, breath work, meditation etc. Simple yet effective tools. Self talk is saying positive things to yourself affirmations but don't drag yourself down or down grade yourself either. We all struggle with something so be kind to yourself. 

Real self care is about doing things that work for you. CBT is apart of it but doing the things is the step on the right direction. I started coaching self help tools to help my mental health and you can too! Take that step! That step can be getting a journal Start writing your thoughts and reconstruct your mindset from negative to a positive. This is how CBT cognitive behavioural therapy works. 

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Psychiatrists often prove that evidence based recommend movement known as exercise. What type of self care have you tried? Do you know the difference between faux and real self care? Where you can use CBT and exercise to improve on how you handle things. Faux self care is not real in fact it is an escape from reality. we need to be aware of this and be mindful of our mindsets each day. The most simple thing I've done many times is a walk on the local beach on hot summer day. So, what real self care habits are you doing?

Lori from Lifesuccessnz xx



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