Your Authentic power
Authentic self
I have always been this rock chick within always authentic with my style and within I had something deeper than just the image it's how spiritual I was and why I had faith in the universe.
Every experience I've had with my authentic side I explored music and became well known for a song a created 12 years ago which I am proud of. I loved the rock chick fashion and dark makeup that makes my blue/green eyes pop out at you, I even created content for coaching that shows my true authentic side of who I am as a person. I love who I am now more than I did 10 years ago self acceptance is the key to truly accepting your authentic truth. I'm proud of how far I have come from being a musician to a fitness trainer now as life coach who was abused sexually and overcame it with the tools of life coaching. And now a musician in my past, I am here to encourage you to be who you were brought here to be. Stop seeking approval from others I know it is hard I suffered from anxiety myself, social anxiety is no fun until I learned to stop seeking approval from others. The only approval I need is within me self acceptance.
What will you do to accept yourself as you are?
Watch the video below 👇
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