Overcoming Depression: My story

Overcoming Depression

My story 

I suffered from depression for many years and it no joke either, 
depression is a serious health issue we all face. 
Both of my brother’s committed suicide because they didn’t know a way through it. They were unhappy with their lives. 
But there is no excuse for committing suicide you end up hurting more people than you think. I remember my brother leaving a note when he 
shot himself in the head with a gun and it was tragic. People still ask 
me how did I hold up like I do now? Simple! You just face it with courage.
I saw the light of the universe there is a way to happiness and peace, 
each experience teaches us something important so we can grow from it. 
In my case my brother’s deaths showed me that I can be a better person
be strong for myself within loving my inner child daily.
You too can love yourself if you let yourself do that, 
you are apart of this universe God has something planned for us all.
I was reading self help books like Gabrielle Bernstein, Louise Hay,
these books are examples of what I read.
I highly recommend doing CBT cognitive behavioral therapy https://www.justathought.co.nz/
it changes how you think about your life and self image issues by 
being loving without love we can’t get through it with peace within our minds. 
You can get through it if can then you are able to, 
I was once suicidal myself until I found a way through my pain
became a life coach to support others, I have a story to 
share and it will change your life.

Cognitive distortions are irrational thoughts that influence how you see the world, how you feel, and how you act. It’s normal to have cognitive distortions occasionally, but they can be harmful when frequent or extreme.

The Cognitive Distortions worksheet identifies and explains some of the most common cognitive distortions. The included examples demonstrate these thinking errors in daily life.

Use this CBT worksheet to educate clients on how to recognize cognitive distortions and their impact on mood. By minimizing or avoiding these irrational thought patterns, clients can maintain a more balanced perspective, lower anxiety, and feel better about themselves.

After identifying cognitive distortions, the next step is often to challenge them in a process called cognitive restructuring.

Download it click the link 👇


That’s why it made me create my song Chill in my vein, 
it has a story behind the song. It as my brother who committed suicide when I was the age 9 years old and when I was a teenager I had to workout why he had to kill himself and leave me behind. These experiences make us grow and learn. 

Chill in my vein song by Lori Watt 


Lori from Lifesuccessnz xx


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