Live your best life!
Love your best life!
Trust me, I know how hard it is to live your best life when struggling with depression.
I've went through trials testing time's in my life hasn't been easy specially when you struggle with an illness like epilepsy. You got to accept that it is happening and it will pass, I used a few tools like gratitude that a book called The magic from the secret by Rhonda Byrne it is amazing! I hold a rock or a wooden cross say what I grateful for outloud so the universe hears it, that's when I am ready for sleep because I am grateful even for the small things in life. What can you be grateful for today?
Writing in a journal helps the testing time's it might make you grow to be amazing person without knowing, have you even thought that could happen?
You are a strong sensitive soul stand firm in knowing the universe will support you these experiences happen for a reason. Embrace who you are with love it might be hard to love yourself but you can learn how to love that person you live with daily say I love you ...... In the mirror before going to work.
This life will improve if you let it hold back on growth then you will hit brick wall dead end life but suicide is not the answer my friend! You hold the key to finding your true happiness.
Come for a coaching session with me $20 NZD an hour video chat or in person, don't forget join me on Facebook lifesuccessnz.
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