Knowing the tools
Knowing the tools that work for you
Having tools that will help you is important.
There was something about Gala Darling that attracts my attention, she is bold bright and breath of fresh air. I went through negative experience over the weekend my past found me and it was overwhelming, I went through post traumatic stress this is a disorder most people suffer from in today's world. No one likes the experience of post traumatic stress I couldn't believe that it was happening to me now but I am lucky to know the tools Gala Darling talks about in wonderland session #17 it really made me think about how can I help others face it with these tools because most counsellors don't teach these tools or the person refuses to do something to help themselves. I went through mental health system and know all they do is pop pills to make it go away. Not really dealing with the root issue that is why it is important to deal with root causes early. If you love yourself enough you would seek support to learn these sacred tools I am about to share with you. I am now a life coach and here to help you. Follow me on instagram or Facebook.
Tools Listed
- CBT cognitive behavioral therapy
- Tapping
- Stop being sorry method
- Use pain to grow
- Affirmations
- Meditation
- Lean on friends
- Vision your desires
- Journal
- Gratitude
- Rituals - spiritual practices
- Therapy of any kind
- Morning practices
- Release old stories you or others tell you
If you or someone you know needs a coach come and talk to me!
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