Letting go of what other's think
Trust me it was hard to overcome this experience it can be a challenge.
Why it is Important Not to Let Other People's Opinion's get to You? Well I know from my own experience, While it is always nice to have supportive people in our lives that we can go to for tough decisions and advice. It is important to remember that their opinions or advice cannot be the ultimate deciding factor. Let us look at 5 reasons you should take other people's opinions lightly:
1. They do not know what is best for you. Ultimately no one knows what is best for you and your circumstances, other than you! For example, your older siblings may believe going to University is what is best for you, but you know that is not what you want right now, you want to travel. They believe getting education is best for you because they obviously care about you, and want you to have a great life. But, you know now is not the time for University, and you want to explore and discover yourself more before settling on a career path you may not feel happy with.
2. What may be the right decision for someone, may be a completely wrong decision for you When asking for advice or opinions from friends or family, remember that what is best for them at this time in their life, may not be best for you. Maybe you're considering leaving your current job and becoming an entrepreneur. You tell your family and they disapprove and tell you that is a irresponsible decision. But the difference is, they are married and have a child, and you are single and have no large responsibilities. So the risk for you may be smaller than the risk would be for your sibling who is married, because their secure job helps support their family. But your family member may not be thinking that way, and is using his or her own circumstances to give you advice. This happens often, when people project their advice or opinions onto you, they are only using their own life experiences, and not considering how yours may be different.
3. It will keep you from your dreams and your true self "authentic" self. If you always listen to others opinions and put too much weight on the people in your life who disagree with your idea's or plans, for example no one believe that I was going to be a life coach until I proved them wrong followed my dream you'll never become your true self. What you will do instead, is alter yourself to be accepted by those around you, and to fit in. If you let other people's negative opinions get into your head and pull you away from your own goals and dreams, then you will never find your true path in life. What often happens is we have a great idea, and then we tell someone, and they respond in a negative manner. When that happens, we start to slowly talk ourselves out of that idea, tricking our minds into thinking that, maybe it is a bad idea after all. Don't let other peoples reactions alter you or your goals in life. 100% of the time, their opinion has nothing to do with you at all, and everything to do with them it not their business.
4. You can never please everyone This one is simple. Ultimately, you will never have an idea or goal that every single person in your life thinks is an amazing idea. Someone, no matter what, will disagree or show some form of negativity. You will never please everyone, and you shouldn't have to. As long as you are happy, then keep pursing your goals and aspirations in life. The only person you should be worried about pleasing, is yourself! Your mental health matters!
5. It is your life and you only get to live it once. When someone is being negative or disagreeing with something that I am excited about in my life, I have a little trick I use. I ask myself, when I am 80 years old, do I want to think to myself, I really lived my life the way I wanted to and honored my true self. Or, do I want to think to myself, I lived too carefully, always listening to others opinions, and never really listening to my true self. I find thinking about the bigger picture helps put things into perspective. So, in summary, you need to make the decisions that are right for you. I am not saying you should never seek advice from your friends or family, because you should. Feedback is important in life, and sometimes having another opinion helps. BUT, what I am trying to teach is YOU making the final decision in your own life. Stay true to yourself always, and stop caring so much about offending or disappointing others I know it is hard not to but Trust me it worth not worrying, they are more worried about their own problems than they are about yours. Your friends and family will still love you no matter what choices you make. And, if you do happen to lose someone in your life because you are honoring your true self, than trust me, they were not meant to be in your life to begin with!
3 siblings couldn't care so why should I worry about them not being in my life.
Blessings from Lori at Lifesuccessnz xx
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