Overcoming feeling depressed about bullying

You may not see your life in a positive prospective right now, but I can tell you that it will improve. I doubt that you say! Well in my eyes you will become a strong person because of the negative experience you went through that can be bullying behavior from other people at university or college high school, it not okay to be bullied but I know it will make you a stronger person within. 

I know what it feels like to be bullied for 3 years I was bullied by my ex, I made sure my mental state wasn't negative but it was not easy to catch the person in the act and press charges through police. There is always hope no matter what experience of bullying you are going through, how you respond is up to you to decide positive or negative thoughts and emotions. I worked my way up to think positive about my experience and know I am a stronger person now than I was many years ago. Hope and positive thoughts is what you need plus support of positive people around you. No matter what these people say they don't know you only themselves are mentally unstable. Stand strong my friend you are going to get through it.

With my support as a life coach I am here for you. If you need a coaching session please get in contact with me on 

Facebook page Tranquilitynz

Check out my YouTube video about Online bullying video

Hope this helps you to stand strong be who the universe created you to be.

Lori from lifesucessnz xx


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