Time management
I’ve found that planning my daily schedule ahead of time is the easiest way to be productive and still make time for the things I enjoy doing. There are so many ways to plan your day which can feel a little overwhelming, but I always get inspired when I learn about how others structure their daily schedules. Good old google calendar and tasks has helped.
- Get up earlier than you normally do and have a morning routine.
- Time yourself so you don't run out of time.
- Put clothes out ready for the morning.
- Short your shower time even if it cold weather.
- Planning your days with a planner.
But really it's important to get enough sleep so you can manage your time. Getting our sh*t together is what we need to do in order to improve our management skills. I believe it is important to have a routine to help us with time management and keep an eye on time so you not running late for appointments. Leave earlier if you have to for appointments, unless you getting public transportation then leaving early is the best option. To get more inspiration Listen to my podcast time management podcast
On speaker download the app to listen. I’m a firm believer in the power of habits, and success for me begins with my morning routine! My morning routine includes meditation, journaling, and reading. So how do you start your day? What do you need to change?
Watch this video to get inspired 👇
Hope this inspires you to improve your time management.
Lori from Lifesuccessnz xx 🤗
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