Gratitude practices

Gratitude practice 

Positive psychology researchers tell us that practicing gratitude has a significant impact on our wellbeing. Grateful people have stronger immune systems, they are happier, more optimistic, they deal with adversity better, they are more generous and more forgiving, and feel less isolated in life. 

How to do it

  • Keep a gratitude journal and keep write down at least 5 things you’re grateful for each day. 

  • Feel grateful for 3 things in the morning if you can. 

  • Look for the good in the bad. When you have a difficult experience or memory, think about whether there’s a helpful lesson within it and be thankful for it. 

  • Widen your view of the world and compare your situation to those who are less fortunate.   

  • The next time you look in the mirror and think how lucky you are to have botched your body for the sake of plastic surgery. 

10 gratitude prompts to boost your mood

Gratitude is something everyone can improve on every day.

After all, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we could all be a little more grateful and happier or the things we have and those around us?

Research shows that giving thanks can make you happier. Gratitude has been associated with positive emotions, strong relationships, improved resilience, and good health.

One study by two leading psychologists in the field – Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami – found that people who take the time to be grateful tend to be more optimistic and feel better about life.

All it takes is a little practice. And just like that, you can bring a little more positivity to the world.

Here are a handful of gratitude prompts to get you started.

  1. Before going to sleep at night, think about three things you were grateful for that day.

  2. Make it a family event – go around the dinner table and mention what you are most grateful for each day.

  3. If you keep a journal, start your entry with daily gratitude, or write a full entry about gratitude. - my favourite way to start the day.

  4. Include gratitude in your daily meditation (if you meditate).

  5. Tell someone you love or care for how grateful you are for them every day.

  6. Practice trying to find something to be grateful for any situation.

  7. Think of one new thing you are grateful for each day.

  8. Think of one thing you appreciate about each of your colleagues.

  9. Spend a little time outdoors every day to be grateful for the beauty of nature.

  10. Finally, don’t forget yourself. Take a moment each day to look in the mirror and think of something you love about you.

Check out this company in New Zealand who creates gratitude journals
Check out this podcast ðŸ‘‡ related to this blog 


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