Believing that you are good enough




Strategy, skills and tools are all critical components to creating real and sustainable growth. But knowledge alone is not power – it’s potential power. You have to be able to execute to move ahead. All too often, we are standing in our own way. And it’s one of the worst thing you can do.

So how do you get out of your own way? You need to master your own psychology. This is where CBT comes in.

out with the old and in with the new

Social approval is not ideal this means  are feeling fear of rejection and is a deeply wired survival instinct. Based on our human needs we measure and assess ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in to help us avoid rejection. We do thing by the following means: 

  • External feedback (judgement/validation/approval/disapproval.
  • Inner self-talk (judgement/criticism/negativity bias.)
  • Social comparison (internal assessment of our values in comparison to others.)
  • Social standards or should (external expectations.)
The cause and affects can be pretty bad as it affects the mental state. Let's work on how we can improve on that. Being perfect is impossible. I don't know why it is around but there is no such thing as perfect because none of us. 

Set your own standards 
This means you are worthy enough as you are. 
Set your standards of what success means to you not to what other people think. 
You need to examine your story and determine what’s holding you back.

Before you can create and build a successful strategy, you need to repair your state. you needed to reconnect with your purpose and create a story of empowerment to serve as a foundation for moving forward. This why I use CBT known as cognitive behavioural therapy. 


Every one starts their adventure with excitement and passion. And nearly every one finds that one day, they wake up thinking, “Where does the time go?” They’ve become a bit unsure this is why writing in journal helps to see how far you have come. 

But these limitations are all in our heads. negative mindset. 

 be yourself

Lori felt passionate about her music but she felt after being dignosised with epilepsy her journey was done. she achieved her goal for her brother who sadly committed suicide when she was 9 years old. Lori didn’t feel passionate the way she used to. until she came across Life coaching and she felt a purpose to help others in need. As Lori’s parents started the suicide loss group in Auckland New Zealand.

Here is a list of things to get you started 

  • Ask yourself what makes you feel alive? 
  • Set realistic goals that you can achieve and commit to them. 
  • See failure as a lesson 
  • When you fall down get back up 
  • embrace imperfections - learn self love 
  • Accept your flaws 
  • Shift your mindset about rejection 
  • commit to being more authentic 
  • create feel good activities 
  • take back control 
  • create support system 
  • own your achievements 
  • reframe your negative thoughts daily 

There is a way through this so believe that you are worthy. 

Lori from Lifesuccessnz 
Want to follow Lori on social media? 


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