Who believes in you?

 Who believes in you?

Surrounding yourself with people who believe in you is a smart move but can be a challenge. It can be a parent, teacher, a coach, a friend, who believes in you. I spend a lot of time mentoring people, helping them get them where they want to be in life. You need people who understand your possibilities. 

We all have beliefs about ourselves that can either be true or false. I believe you get what you focus on. This is called manifesting. What you say and How you say it matters. This is called cognitive behavioural therapy which means speaking positive and behaviour is positive. 

Self belief is important but it must be positive not negative beliefs.

You got to remember negative beliefs will destroy you. So, get positive mindset going! 

Most common negative beliefs are 

  • I’m not good enough 
  • I don’t look pretty enough 
  • I don’t deserve anything 
  • I’m not clever 
  • I’m not creative 
  • I’m not good with money 
These thoughts are not good what so ever so we need to change it with positive thoughts. 

We must remind ourselves daily that we are good enough regardless. 


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