Finding safety and security within
Finding safety and security Right now you possibly struggling to get through whatever it is you faced with, I know what that feels like. I went through a lot of hard times from a tragic loss to broken relationships it never comes easy in life. It's like a huge wave you have to ride until it passes. I can tell you right now that you will get passed it by believing in yourself more, even when others think differently about you. My own siblings see that I'm the problem when it is themselves with issues. I go through times of pure frustration and struggle with it that's when I need spiritual path to help me get through it knowing a spiritual universal god loves me unconditionally even when people don't love me at all in this world. Having faith in something gives us hope that we will get through it. When we struggle with safety and security within us this is when we need to remember the universe has our backs, god is with us in this universe we are not alone, why do I say ...