
Showing posts from August, 2018

Letting go of what other's think

Trust me it was hard to overcome this experience it can be a challenge. Why it is Important Not to Let Other People's Opinion's get to You? Well I know from my own experience,  While it is always nice to have supportive people in our lives that we can go to for tough decisions and advice. It is important to remember that their opinions or advice cannot be the ultimate deciding factor. Let us look at 5 reasons you should take other people's opinions lightly:  1. They do not know what is best for you. Ultimately no one knows what is best for you and your circumstances, other than you! For example, your older siblings may believe going to University is what is best for you, but you know that is not what you want right now, you want to travel. They believe getting education is best for you because they obviously care about you, and want you to have a great life. But, you know now is not the time for University, and you want to explore and discover yourself more before set...

Witnessing your feelings

Witness your feeling. Conditioning trains you to feel the same way over and over every time you meet the same situation. This is frustrating because as soon as the old response rises, you become tangled in it. What you need is a clear place, the place of witnessing. Witnessing means that you are present with your emotion but not being used by it. The best way to witness is to locate where these thoughts are coming from, this means these thoughts are negative they need to be reconstructed in order to become positive.  Witnessing the thought helps us understand what is negative and what is positive. Let's see if we can change our thoughts pattern by using CBT congitive behavioral therapy known in couching and learn how to change these thoughts from negativity to positive. Witness your feelings are they positive or negative? If they negative then you need to do CBT congitive behavioral therapy changes in order to be released from those negative thoughts and emotions. Try it and witnes...

Bullying behaviour

Bullying behaviour No form of bullying behaviour is okay in my book! I know many young people are struggling with mental health issues due to this reason. It causes people who are bullied to be suicidal because they can't handle the pressure of abuse, this is called PTSD post traumatic stress disorder. We need to talk about it more and support those who are bullied so they don't feel alone. I myself was bullied and harassed online by someone who had a court order against him to protect me but they continued to do it  so, I struggled to find enough proof that the person was the one who been harassing me. I experience PTSD and anxiety I totally understand the pressure to feel safe. No woman  or anyone should be bullied by another person. However, uni and school is common place for bullying behaviour which is sad. If you bullying someone please stop the bad behaviour and see that you doing harm to your mind and the other person, it is not funny about a person killing themselves b...

The bright side of life

One very important component of being happy is to always have a positive outlook on life, no matter how hard things are. I myself went through a lot of negative experiences that could of made me take my life but I continue to live with a new perspective. Much like you can’t live a positive life with a negative mind, so you can’t be a happy person with negative thinking and a pessimistic outlook. There’s a very simple reason why. When you’re experiencing negative emotions, your creativity and thinking horizon contracts. You focus all your cognitive power on whining, bitching and feeling sorry for yourself, which a lot of people do and it not helpful. As a consequence, you become blind to opportunities and ideas that would take you a step further. You start blocking yourself and every day, you let negative thinking and emotions cloud your judgment and prevent you from seeing all the opportunities. When you have a negative outlook on life, you simply start lagging behind. There isn’t on...

The ego

The central theme of the ego is insecurity, we all struggle with this issue. Living your life from the ego puts you at the mercy of every stranger on the street. A moment of flattery creates happiness; a sarcastic comment, and you are wounded by it. So how do we shift to our true being? Many people try to make such a shift by fighting against the ego, but this is a trap. This is the ultimate melodrama of the ego, to constantly struggle and never reach real fulfillment, peace, and happiness. In any case, the ego will resist the shift you want to make, because it senses its own destruction in your search to true being. The mission of finding your true self is accepting that you have a past that made your ego insecure. The only way to overcome this issue is to change your response. Abundance is real. Lack is an illusion you can change your thoughts about it. Being good is real. Trying to be good is an illusion.  Surrender is real by accepting you can't change the past. Holding on i...

My negative experience of antidepressants

When I was 16 I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I also struggled with trauma after tragic loss of a sibling when I was 10 years old. I battled the life being a teenager who was bullied and didn't have a very good therapist to talk about my emotional pain I suffered from. Some how I found a way through my depression and the drugs of antidepressants did nothing just made me more suicidal than most people. So I stopped taking the drugs my mother had to fight for my rights to stop the drugs and found a way to over come my fears by learning self help tools from a book called heal your life by Louise Hay fantastic book! That's when my passion for life coaching started when I was 20 years old. I don't wish depression on anyone it is hard to get past the fears & doubts until you find support, hope is what helps you out of that negative hole. At the age of 30 I was sexually asulted by a man who I thought was my love but turned out to be a horrible nightmare. I was ...

How to love yourself

How to love yourself today  The Six Steps Of Inner Bonding: 1. Be willing to feel pain and take responsibility for your feelings. All feelings are informational, letting us know whether we're loving ourselves or abandoning ourselves, or if others are being loving or controlling. Step one is mindfully following your breath either in meditative state or just simply breathe to get present in your body, and compassionately embracing all feelings. I recommend playing guided meditation feelings chapter 1 on YouTube. It's about moving towards your feelings rather than avoiding them with various forms of self-abandonment, such as staying focused in your head, judging yourself, turning to addictions to numb out, or making someone else responsible for your feelings which we shouldn't make others responsible.  2. Move into the intent to learn. In inner bonding, there are only two possible intentions in any given moment: To protect against pain, avoiding responsibili...

Fighting depression

Fighting depression with courage I know how hard it is to overcome depression trust me I been there! Both of my brothers took their lives when I was young and it was hard to overcome suicide loss. It felt like a dark hole until I found a way out to the light. Watch my video about overcoming depressing thoughts click the link below overcoming depressing thoughts of suicide I want to teach you ways you can fight depression Exercise - I know most of us don't but it kicks in the feel good hormone that we need to fight depression. Drink less coffee - this a hard one even I struggle with it. Learn to be mindful of the thoughts in your head - this means learning to re-channel these thoughts into positives. CBT cognitive behavioral therapy - this type of therapy is used in counseling sessions so give it a try when you can't see a therapist. Remember you are amazing - remembering that you are amazing person just means you are a strong person who others admire. ...

Keeping it real

Self love comes from within this can take weeks, days and months to develop love for who you are and what your body looks like. I was reading a book keeping it real by Makaia Carr her story was something for the first time I could relate to. When I was 25 years old I had a tonic clonic seziure which led me to be in hospital and got tested for epilepsy which was the hardest thing to be told that you have this condition I never knew about all my life, I was heart broken. Even though I went through the seziure situation as a child and never really knew why until I was 25 years old. However, my brother's suicide left had left big impact on me and for 10 years I suffered depression along with suicidal thoughts. For 5 years I was my most fittest working out 5 days a week working out 5 days a week and studied personal training which didn't workout for me. I was thin and toned until 2 years ago I had both knees injured, I couldn't walk at all. I ripped the muscles around the knee...