
Showing posts from September, 2018

7 ways to have a healthier relationship with technology

How many of us can say that we have a healthy relationship with technology? Though we try to convince ourselves that technology doesn’t rule our lives, the truth is that it plays a huge part in our daily routines. #Maketime on Instagram If you are following the challenge. A lot of people are doing detox challenge but I have coaching business to keep up to date with but I limit my time on social media.  Here are 7 tips for you 1. From the moment you wake up in the morning prevent going on social media 2.  putting your phone on do not disturb mode  even for just an hour is okay 3. Stay away from the phone while with family or friends I know it hard trust me it will be a life changer 4. Set a time to scroll on social media  5.  try keeping your phone out of plain sight. I like to hide my phone behind my laptop screen or in my bag when I’m working so I kind of forget about it unless my dad calls.  6. Go for a walk without your phone 7. Encourage others to do th...

Overcome Procrastination

We all go through Procrastination, so what holds us back? What blocks you from engaging in productive actions? Poor self discipline is an unsurprising human trait as 'avoiding a difficult situy seems like the most common thing'. Procrastination is often a behavioral way of protecting yourself from experiencing unpleasant emotional state. If you decide to stay in a rut rather than attempt to leave it.  Causes of Procrastination 1. Anxiety  2. Low frustration tolerance 3. Rebellion - this is used as a way to express your anger towards others by delaying important tasks. Procrastination has been associated with depression, guilt, low moods, anxiety, and low self-esteem. As a result Procrastination probably account for much of why many of us never full fill our potential. So, putting things off won't help us in the long term. I know hard to be motivated daily even I go through that but having something to get up for each day helps a lot. So find what works for you and make it a...

Overcoming feeling depressed about bullying

You may not see your life in a positive prospective right now, but I can tell you that it will improve. I doubt that you say! Well in my eyes you will become a strong person because of the negative experience you went through that can be bullying behavior from other people at university or college high school, it not okay to be bullied but I know it will make you a stronger person within.  I know what it feels like to be bullied for 3 years I was bullied by my ex, I made sure my mental state wasn't negative but it was not easy to catch the person in the act and press charges through police. There is always hope no matter what experience of bullying you are going through, how you respond is up to you to decide positive or negative thoughts and emotions. I worked my way up to think positive about my experience and know I am a stronger person now than I was many years ago. Hope and positive thoughts is what you need plus support of positive people around you. No matter what these peop...
Life Success NZ Spiritual practice Introduction This is about finding a spiritual practice that works for you. Not every practice works for everyone and there are so many in today’s world, let’s explore and see what we can find. Finding the practice There so many types of spiritual practices like christian, buddhism, universal lessons. I believe in the universe, christian faith & buddha as they all have great practices.    Your practice Sit on the floor start cross legged if you need a pillow or yoga block then grab it. For your meditation you are going to connect with your spiritual guide set timer for 10 minutes,  breathe deeply through nose and exhale do that 4 times then say a mantra whatever you choose. If you are Christian you can connect with God by meditating on the word in the Bible scripture be still and know Christ is there. Whatever practice you choose it will be for you and your faith in the spiritual world. Each practice will have a great affect on you...

Overcoming Depression with actions

Over coming depression with positive actions  Depression can range from mild to servere and involves the theme of suicide. I’ve experienced a loss myself. Two tragic loses of my brothers suicides.  Self devaluation frequently follows a loss for example when my ex left the relationship used me I no longer felt valued as a woman should feel. When people are depressed they usually withdraw from activities and into themselves. However, the negative content of a depressed person's thinking has called the congitive triad of depression you have negative view of the world and towards yourself for example "everything is against me" 'i'll never get over depression'.  Accompany of loss of pleasure, interest, libido, appetite, over eating, poor motivation, poor sleep pattern, suicidal thoughts. I have identified these with 1.  Self blame 2.  Self pity - feeling sorry for yourself 3.  Other pity - feeling sorry for others Some events like the death of a loved one that j...

Dealing with troubled emotions

Most important part in the chain of emotional causation has been left out yourself! In order to experience an emotional reaction to an event, you first have to evaluate the personal experience of that event.  A - activating event: end of relationship  B - beliefs or thoughts: without her, I'm worthless without him or her  C - emotional and behavioral consequences: depression and withdraw from social activities You may say that A caused C when really in CBT language this is called A-C thinking (events cause our emotions). This viewpoint overlooks individual variations of the same event which is not uncommon. Not everyone feels depressed about the end of a relationship one person is anxious about coping alone, another is angry which is normal. In order to understand C you need to focus on B not A this is called B-C thinking our beliefs and thoughts at B ultimately determine how you feel at C. To choose one's attitude in any given situation or circumstances to cope with adve...