Finding ways to be Productive during covid-19

 We are all struggling to be productive because of covid-19 🦠 Omicron. But let’s face it with courage and do what we can to stay motivated to be productive daily.  Here is a video to help you when you don’t feel motivated. 



spending so much time at home has brought up some interesting challenges. 
When your home is also your office, bringing work into your self-care space can create some hazy boundaries. Working from home means the same place where you eat, relax, and socialize becomes associated with work. Sadly we don’t have a choice.

If you’re on regular Zoom calls, your work meetings are now in your sacred space. It’s almost like inviting your co-workers into your living room for a meeting.

To add to this, your typical forms of escape from work might not be available with quarantine limitations still in effect. For example, the yoga studio, the gym, your local pool, and the coffee shop where you would catch up with a friend. In this post, I’m sharing a few tips that have been helping me to set boundaries so I can better balance work and rest from home. Find variety for your routine. Get inspiration below 👇 

How To Balance Work & Self-Care When You Work From Home

Working from home can blur the lines between productivity and self-care. Here's how to balance work and self-care when you work from home.

1. Create a ritual to bookmark the start and end of the day

When working in an office, your commute might have been your signal that the workday was starting or ending. Working from home makes it a little harder to keep a similar structure.

2. Set a time to stop working and checking notifications

When you’re spending most of your time at home, it’s tempting to check your phone or computer after hours. Since they’re always in close proximity, you might find it hard to resist checking in if you find yourself with nothing to do. Create a boundary to help you maintain this separation between work and rest time. That might look like not checking emails before 8am or after 5pm, or setting app limits from 6pm until 8am the next day.

On the weekends, it can be tempting to work when you have the resources right in front of you. If you want a work-free weekend, try putting your laptop out of sight, keep your office door closed (if you have an office), and delete your email app from your phone until Monday.

The thing is that you have to set these boundaries for yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.

3. Separate your spaces for work and self-care

Try to create separate spaces, even if they’re small, to separate your work and self-care areas. For example, I have a corner in my living room that I’ve dedicated as my workout spot (which just means it’s where I put my workout mat). It’s not very big, but it’s enough space to do what I need to do.

Another example is sticking to doing work from a dedicated area. If you’ve been using your couch or bed for both work and relaxation, it might be sending confusing signals to your brain. I find that when I work on the couch, I’m less productive and it’s harder to concentrate (even if I’m not watching anything on TV). 

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with working from these spots sometimes, but it’s better to have a desk and chair set-up that you use exclusively for work.

If you don’t have the space to separate your work and non-work life, try to create different moods in your home. 

For example, you can use scents, sounds, and textures (from clothing) for different times of the day. You could use one essential oil during work and another one for after work. Or you can wear form-fitting (but still comfy) clothes during work and change into your comfiest, loose clothing afterward. Subtle changes like this can create the illusion of separation when you don’t have much space to work with. We need to feel good regardless of being in isolation. 

More Tips To Balance Work And Rest

If you feel like you’re working too much and not getting enough rest, check out these posts:

If you feel like you’re resting too much and not being productive at home, check out these posts: 

I recommend this ebook Productivity by Gill Hasson. 

I hope this blog helps you to find balance during this time of pandemic omicron covid-19. 🦠
Take care my friend! 


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