How to Cope With Change


We are afraid to confront our fears of change. I know from my own experiences as well. The more we confront change with courage the less likely we will avoid it and accept that change has come. We achieve stability through change. It’s about moving forward you will gain greater tolerance for emotional distress and increased compassion for others. For example when both of my brothers took their lives it was a struggle to get through the emotional distress of a loss and I had no choice but to face it with courage. There is no going back to how it was before. Our sense of self would be transformed. Such cbt known as cognitive behavioural therapy teach us to not resist it but rather open up to impermanence and work with it. We gain emotional strength through the experience and that is what I am facing myself. 

We can’t control what happens but we can control how we react to it. 

  1. Attempt to avoid change or refuse to acknowledge it
  2. Actively resist change 
  3. Sacrifice agency amidst chaos 
  4. Try to get back to where we were 

Acknowledge that things are changing.

Sometimes we get so caught up in fighting change that we put off actually dealing with it. Denial is a powerful force, and it protects us in many ways. However, stepping outside of it and saying to yourself, "Things are changing, and it is okay" can be less stressful than putting it off.

Realize that even good change can cause stress

Write down the positives that have come from this change.

Keep a journal to write about your feelings and experiences as you adjust to change

While writing in a journal is not for everyone, it can be helpful during life transitions. The reason is that you are able to look back at previous entries, see how change impacts you as it unfolds, and reflect on the progress that you’ve made and how your emotions change over time. Looking back on hard days and knowing that you no longer feel the same can be encouraging. If you don’t see much change or progress over time, that may be a sign that you need to seek more support.

I’m in this journey and it will make a change to how I feel and react to it. So what are you doing to go through the changes with courage? Check out my podcast related to this topic

Lori from Lifesuccessnz xx


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